The kingmaker here with today's Inspirational Royal Decree.
Which is to "be repellent to other people's fuckery".
This is what I mean by that...not too long ago, maybe within the last two or three months
I had a friend who went through a pretty rough patch. It was literally like a series of unfortunate events one after the other. Incident #1 was their hot water got cut off.
Incident #2 their phone got cut off. Incident #3 was they hit a pothole while driving and busted out tire two tires on one side of their car and bent both rims. Incident #4 The tenants in the townhouse next to them moved out and the electric company turned off the wrong electricity. So their apartment lost electricity in place of the vacant one.
Incident #5 Because their car was inoperable, they had to go and rent a car and were ill treated.
So, as you can imagine all of that was quite horrific, but as I constantly say & hope you may now be discovering; all of that is vibrational.
Now being on the other end of that experience, meaning being the person that this person was calling and telling all of these things too. I started to take on the vibration of all of that fuckery.
This is the energetic fuckery that you must protect yourself from. In my mind, I was just being somewhat sympathetic and I was attempting to offer solutions to all of the unfortunateness that was happening.
As a result of me spending way too much time, entertaining their fuckery, one of the tires on my Lexus went flat.
My Lexus is fairly new & I never had any issues whatsoever with it before, so this was a hundred percent out of the blue.
Granted my situation was a little bit different because I had a free roadside service that came to my house and changed my tire. It ended up being not that big of a deal to get it fixed and I didn't even end up having to replace the tire.
Then, I even had a situation within a few days of that where I went to a movie theater the kind that you have to actually select your seats in advance.
When we got into the theater, it was myself and my two oldest children there was a lady sitting in our seats, and she she told me that she wasn't moving and to go sit somewhere else and that was a whole thing. I literally made myself available for fuckery.
The way that I've always conducted myself has caused me not to experience things like that. It's very rare that somebody tries me in person. So that was a very unusual thing.
Right before that situation happened, I was just talking to my friend about their own circumstance where they were made to feel less than they should have, because they weren't treated correctly.
So moral of the story is...yes, you want to be there for your friends or your loved ones.
Amanda Frances says this and I love this statement. "She's not available for it". Even with wanting to be supportive, you have to be not willing to entertain other people's fuckery. Because then you start being sympathetic and thinking about others problems and as a result you start picking up that vibration of that fuckery. And the next thing you know, you are experiencing "A Series of Unfortunate Events" that you didn't ask for.
So protect your energy, protect your vibration and be absolutely ruthless about it.
It doesn't mean don't help your friend or family, if they need help. I'm saying you, adjust the way that you offer aid and support to people who are in a vibration that you do not want to match.
I hope that that that this message is helpful to someone at some point in their life, until next time sending Light, Love & Gratitude Always - The King Maker