Power is an 8 week intensive “epic” transformational opportunity for you.
Are you ready for REAL POWER!?
You haven’t even begun to fathom what you are actually capable of! You have been playing small for way too long.
You have been living out patterns and massive limitations instilled in you by your parents, society and even slavery (to those whom that is applicable to) it’s ingrained in your actual DNA 🧬.
Unless you take massive action to course correct you are headed in the same direction of your parents, grandparents & ancestors. If that’s what you want for your future to hold, then keep on your current path.
If you are ready for a legacy that aspires for more....more expansion, more elevation, more wealth, better health, and incredible relationships, than it requires you to think differently, move differently, believe differently live differently and invest in yourself differently!
Are you done accepting the limitations others have placed on you? Are you done playing small?
If so Power : The Cheat Codes is the most phenomenal expansive solution available.
If you are feeling excited about the transformation available to you in this program, then join us now!
Power : The Cheat Codes includes:
I. Everyday you will get a source of empowerment related to the cheat codes that we are infusing you with as well as immersing you in. There will be a Code that is theme of focus each week with practically applicable steps to do each day.
II. Weekly Live Group Sessions over 8 weeks (only available for those who enroll in the first release).
Some weeks you will have more than one session, some prerecorded and some live.
III. You will get several bonuses; a compilation of meditations, subcoscious reprogrammers.
IV. Those who pay in full receive a free gift of choice from:
Absolutley Ruthless.
4. Access to the "Power" community and get instant access to submit questions directly to "The King Maker" about the course & recieve answers in a group setting.
***Payment Plan Available, Click for Details***
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